When you don't have kids, you really don't care much about people who do. Not that you don't wish them well or want to see their baby pictures, but in reality, you rarely ever think of parents and their travails. I know I didn't.
Now that I have a five month old son, no one cares about the fact that my son is teething. I don't blame them. When my friends who are new parents used to tell me (a) they didn't get any sleep the night before, (b) their kid was sick, or (c) their newborn threw up on everything, I secretly chuckled. 'Sucker!' I thought. Like I said, I didn't care.
Now I care. I'm up with my son early, even though it's my wife who does most of the work. God bless her. I bet Anthony Quinn didn't get up early with his kids when he was a new father in his 80's. Not that I'm that old, but sometimes I feel it. Did I tell you my kid was teething?
Posted by brettdavey
at 3:52 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 19 November 2003 3:54 PM EST