A few random thoughts from the weekend:
* Arnold was on "Meet The Press" on Sunday. You can never undersell the importance of likeability with a politician. Even though Arnold is a Republican, his views are rather moderate and of course, as an actor, he can stay on message like no other. And he could be President someday!
Tim Russert asked him about an amendment proposed by Sen. Orrin Hatch that would allow anyone who has been an American citizen for 20 years to run for President. I can't quite place my finger on it, but there's something that scares me about that. I get this whole Manchurian Candidate thing going through my head. Someone convince me otherwise that this is a good idea.
People think that Republicans are principled but nothing could be further from the truth. It seems that Hatch is proposing that amendment for Arnold and Arnold alone. Imagine if Clinton had proposed something like that for say, Madeline Albright. All the wowsers in the world would have gone nuts. while you're at it, Orrin, I've got a good one for you: how about an amendment allowing a President to run for a third term? Don't like that one, huh?
Then, there's the Bush proposal to allow illegals into America to take jobs, as long as it's proven that no Americans want them. How the hell do they prove that? This is another proposal that Republicans would have freaked out about in the past (and some are now), but since it's coming from the deep thinker in the White House, it's OK.
And how about the spending that's taking place right now? I love how former deficit hawks are twisting themselves in pretzels to say deficit spending is just grand. Wait until the bill comes due.
* I love the Republicans making a big deal of the picture of Kerry sitting like 10 rows behind Jane Fonda at a peace rally. Then, there was the fake picture of them speaking together at a rally. Here's an awesome photo and it's real: Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam in the early 80's. Boy, that's a good one! Maybe we can also get a picture of Dick Cheney signing some of those Halliburton contracts with Iraq back in the late 1990's. Those would be good for a hoot.
* My plan is to ignore Ralph Nader. I think I would rather sign a petition to get Tom Delay on the presidential ballot that Nader. At least Delay doesn't hide the fact that he's an ego-driven weasel.
* My Celtics couln't suck much worse. Seriously.
Posted by brettdavey
at 12:29 PM EST