Since my friend Melanie was grossed out by the Fig Newton story from last week, I thought I would share another gross food story. After church yesterday, my wife and I got hot weiners for lunch. If you're not from New England, hot weiners are covered with onions, mustard, and a mystery meat sauce I believe to be hamburger. I got three "all the way" and an order of fries. First, let me give you some background. Today, I will eat virtually anything, but when I was a kid, I had a terrible appetite. For a while, I would only eat mustard sandwiches, sardines, and grape juice. But now, I'll eat anything.
After I ate the first dog, I started to get a queasy feeling. Sometimes when you get hot weiners, there is a certain rubbery texture to the skin of the dog that makes it kind of snap back when you bite it. I started to eat the second one. Snap! Snap! Burp! Snap! Retch! That's when I wrapped up the rest of the dogs and threw them away. I think if I had eaten the rest of them, I would have barfed. And if you think three hot weiners "all the way" are gross going down, you should see them when they're coming from the other direction.
Posted by brettdavey
at 10:54 AM EST