I turned 38 years old yesterday. It's a strange age that doesn't mean too much. You're not really on top of 40 yet, but you're close. I don't know if I feel a whole lot different than I did when I was 30. I don't drink anymore so of course, I feel different in that way, but I mean in my attitudes.
I still get pissed off about indifference and ignorance. I still hate to see people in positions of power do nothing but grab more power and help out those who are already well-off. I still like movies from the seventies and I like baseball more than ever.
Now, I've got a six month old and a wife. That's a major change and it's for the best. There's no feeling like knowing you married the exact right person. I did and we had a son who's an unbelievable joy.
Happy birthday to me!
Posted by brettdavey
at 5:24 PM EST