Loved how the Medicare bill got rammed through. It's an awesome bill! Just terrific! You'll see... in 2006 when it's supposed to be enacted. Why is it going to take so long? Because when the public sees that the bill was created by the drug and insurance companies and the Republicans basically are throwing away taxpayers' money, people are going to get pissed off. But what do the politicians care? It's not their money and by then, GW will be halfway through another term.
By the way, whatever happened to fiscal conservatism? Here's a huge entitlement that will cost hundreds of billions of dollars -- where's the money coming from? I've always felt it was a mistake to put a former cokehead in charge of the country's credit card, but what do I know.
Oh, one more thing: how about those family values on Neil Bush? People used to rag on Roger Clinton but he looks like Ghandi compared to this Bush brother. Not only was Neil taking huge consulting fees from all these overseas interests for doing nothing (that's how you define success if you're a Bush), he also slept with a bunch of women while he was in Asia. He said he didn't think they were prostitutes; they just knocked on his hotel room door late at night and the women had sex with him. That happens all the time -- on late night Cinemax!
Neil emphasizes that he never paid the the women. Of course, his hosts might have. And he was married at the time. I'm sure Rush will say it was Clinton's fault because he lowered the bar of morality so much that Neil figured why not. Maybe this is what GW was talking about earlier this year in his big speech about the scourge that is the international sex trade.
Posted by brettdavey
at 9:01 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 26 November 2003 9:04 AM EST