The more I think about the Chalabi mess, the more sick I get. Why isn't this the story of the year?
You had Cheney-Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz dying to attack Hussein.
You had Chalabi providing them with false information.
You had the previous group acting as compliant stooges for Chalabi, willing to accept any excuse to attack.
You had Chalabi acting as a spy for Iran, a country that wanted nothing more than to see Hussein deposed.
The US attacked Iraq because certain members of the Administration were willingly duped by a guy who was not only acting on behalf of Iran, but was also being paid more that $300,000 a month of your money to make up these lies.
So, in the end, US soldiers were carrying out a mission for Iran. No problem.
Four more years, right?
Posted by brettdavey
at 7:54 AM EDT