I guess before everyone soils themselves about the Kerry infidelity allegations, we should all take a step back. Remember, the report was on Drudge, who Karl Rove uses regulalry as his tool to distract the public when the President is going through a rough patch. And make no mistake: things are looking a little rough for GW right now.
That is, until we find Osama. My guess is it'll happen in the summer, just in time for the Republican National Convention. Then, we'll get to see President Bush near the site of the World Trade Tower gloating about how he captured or killed Bin Laden.
Also, let's not get too worked up about the photo of Kerry "with" Jane Fonda. Have you seen this photo? Kerry's sitting like 10 rows behind her. From the reports, you'd think he was making out with her on a burning American flag.
Posted by brettdavey
at 10:14 AM EST