I don't drink but there is something about watching 3 or 4 hours of election coverage that gives you a hangover. The talking heads on the cable channels may be the most dreadful group of people I've ever seen. Of course, I wish Clark has finished a stronger 3rd and that Kerry hadn't won by such a convincing margin, but what can you do?
As a Clark supporter, I see Kerry as being the one who mucked things up. All the credit to him for putting all his focus on Iowa, a move that all the experts panned as doomed. Still, he took away Clark's natural base of support with veterans' groups and those who place national security on the top of their agenda.
When I see him, I feel like Jerry Seinfeld when he used to curse: "Neuman!"
I see the junior senator from Massachusetts and I curse: "Kerry!"
Posted by brettdavey
at 12:42 PM EST