The tragic death of all those soliders in Iraq could have been avoided if not for a small group of men who now hold power in this country. And I'm not just talking about the 20 who were killed when their helicopter was shot down over the weekend. I'm talking about the hundreds who died and the thousands who were injured. And when I'm talking about the small group of men who hold power, I'm not talking about George W. Bush. He had no thoughts about foreign policy when he was running for President and the only thoughts he has now are the ones his advisors place in his empty head. Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Perle are among the handful of conservatives who drove this country to Iraq. They've been planning it for years in their group "Project for a New American Century" and 9-11 gave them the chance to follow through on their dreams of taking down Iraq. Too bad all those American kids had to die for the greedy desires of a bunch of old men who only soil their hands when they count their money.
Posted by brettdavey
at 8:41 AM EST